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Thoughts... Etc.
Excuse the Spelling mistakes.
There is no rhyme or reason to this Blogg, just what takes my fancy at the time.
Thoughts... Etc. Excuse the Spelling mistakes. There is no rhyme or reason to this Blogg, just what takes my fancy at the time.

ECHO Beanie Comp!

in new windows
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Links of the Rich and Famous
G-Man's Bookmarks
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My Wish List(UK)

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Tuesday, January 21, 2003
I just went to the "I Can't Believe It's Not The Advertising Slogan Generator!" and put in G-Man's Ramblings as the phrase and got...

There's Only One G-Man's Ramblings.
This Is The Age Of The G-Man's Ramblings.
Would You Give Someone Your Last G-Man's Ramblings?

What do you get???

Thursday, January 16, 2003
Well in 30 Days, it will have been 2 Years since The Begining... of this Blog.....

Oh well, I'll probably miss the occasion... so I thought I'd mention it now.

Well to anyone that actually reads this site, I hope you had a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Wow... Stuff has happened since my last blog...

On the 13th December 2002, I became engaged to the beautiful Young woman depicted on the Left in the Gallery.
On the 17th December 2002, I Graduated in the Previously Mentioned RMiT Graduation Ceromony that was at Telstra Dome.

That's all for now...